Authenticate User
POST http://asshwebservices.us-east-2.elasticbeanstalk.com/api/Login/{username}/{type}/
Header username , password
RESPONSE- User authenticated - Response parameters: UserId, FullName, Email, Webrole & Token(Token is valid for 12 hrs)
- INVALID_LOGIN - Invalid username and/or password
- INVALID_TYPE_VALUE - valid type; ios/android
- EXPIRED_TEMP_PASSORD - Temporary Password is expired
- Password_Lockout - if >10 login attempts
- Error exception, "We encountered an error, please contact ASSH at info@assh.org"
Request Password Reset
POST http://asshwebservices.us-east-2.elasticbeanstalk.com/api/PasswordReset/{username}/
RESPONSE- Email exist in Salesforce User's account - send temporary password to the email addres provided and api return parameter{string} “Sent temporary password to + {email}” message
- Email does not exist found - return parameter{string} “No record found with this email address.” message
- Error exception, "We encountered an error, please contact ASSH at info@assh.org"
POST http://asshwebservices.us-east-2.elasticbeanstalk.comapi/SetPassword/
Header tempPassword [encrypted] , newPassword [encrypted]
RESPONSE- If TemporaryPassword and NewPassword are valid (>8 char long and alphanumeric), it will return “Success” message
- If TemporaryPassword is valid and NewPassword is not valid (<8 char long and not alphanumeric), it will return “Password must be at least 8 characters long and have a mix of letters and numbers.” message
- If TemporaryPassword is not valid and expired, it will return “Invalid/expired Temporary Password” message
- Error exception, "We encountered an error, please contact ASSH at info@assh.org"
POST http://asshwebservices.us-east-2.elasticbeanstalk.com/api/Logout/
Header token , type [ios/android]
Hand-e Collections
Get Video Collections
Header Authorization : [Access Token]
GET https://assh.force.com/communityhub/services/apexrest/api/Video/Collections
Get Video Collection
Header Authorization : [Access Token]
GET https://assh.force.com/communityhub/services/apexrest/api/Video/Collection
Request Parameters:- Id= [Collection Id]
- UserId
Hand-e Topics
Get Video Topics
Header Authorization : [Access Token]
GET https://assh.force.com/communityhub/services/apexrest/api/Video/Topics
Get Video Topic
Header Authorization : [Access Token]
GET https://assh.force.com/communityhub/services/apexrest/api/Video/Topic
Request Parameters:- Id= [Topic Id]
- UserId
Hand-e Authors
Get Video Authors
GET https://assh.force.com/communityhub/services/apexrest/api/Video/Authors
Header Authorization : [Access Token]
Request Parameters:- lastname= [default value='a']
Get Video Author
GET https://assh.force.com/communityhub/services/apexrest/api/Video/Author
Header Authorization : [Access Token]
Request Parameters:- Id= [AuthorId]
- UserId
Hand-e Video Comment
Get Video Comments
GET https://assh.force.com/communityhub/services/apexrest/api/Video/Comments
Header Authorization : [Access Token]
Request Parameters:- Id= [videoId]
- Limit = [default 1]
- Offset = [default 1]
Add Video Comment
POST https://assh.force.com/communityhub/services/apexrest/api/Video/Comments
Header Authorization : [Access Token]
Request Body: [Object]:- Id
- UserId
- Title = [Plain text]
- Body = RichText[See link for supported html tags]
Hand-e Video Details
Get All Videos Filter by Collection/Topic/Author
GET https://assh.force.com/communityhub/services/apexrest/api/Videos?Id=CollectionId&SortBy=Popularity
Header Authorization : [Access Token]
Request Parameters:- Id= [ CollectionId/TopicId/AuthorId]
- UserId
- ContentType = [collection/topic/author]
- pageLimit = [default 10]
- offset = [default 1 ]
- SortBy = Popularity,PubDate,Views [default value='PubDate']
Get Video Details and Related Videos
GET https://assh.force.com/communityhub/services/apexrest/api/Video?Id=[VideoId]&UserId=[uId]
Header Authorization : [Access Token]
Request Parameters:- Id= [VideoId]
- UserId
Get Video Url and download Link
GET http://asshwebservices.us-east-2.elasticbeanstalk.com/api/Video/[VimeoId]
Response:- Files [quality, type, width, height, link, size]
- Downloads [quality, type, width, height, expires, link, size]
POST https://assh.force.com/communityhub/services/apexrest/api/Video/MyHande?UserId[UserId]Header Authorization : [Access Token]
Request Body [Object]:- Id
- UserId
- ContentType= [Video/Author/Topic/Collection]
- SaveType = [like]
- Value = [Like/Dislike/Neutral]
Request Body [Object]:- Id
- UserId
- ContentType= [Video/Author/Topic/Collection]
- SaveType = [favorite/viewed]
- Value = [boolean]
Play Progress
Request Body [Object]:- Id
- UserId
- ContentType= [video]
- SaveType = [playprogresss]
- Value = [integer]
Add Notes
Request Body [Object]:- Id
- UserId
- Title=['Video Note|' + addNote.timestamp + '|' + addNote.timeSeconds]
- Value = [plain text]
Add Notes
Request Body [Object]:- Id
- UserId
- SaveType = [addnote]
- Title=['Video Note|' + addNote.timestamp + '|' + addNote.timeSeconds]
- Value = [plain text]
Delete Notes
Request Body [Object]:- Id = [NoteId]
- UserId
- SaveType = [deletenote]
My Hand-e
POST https://assh.force.com/communityhub/services/apexrest/api/Video/MyHandeHeader Authorization : [Access Token]
Favorite Videos
Request Parameters:- UserId
- Name= [Favorite_Videos ]
- pageLimit = [default 10]
- offset = [default 1 ]
- SortBy = date/name [default date ]
Annotated Videos
Request Parameters:- UserId
- Name= [annotated_videos ]
- pageLimit = [default 10]
- offset = [default 1 ]
- SortBy = date/name [default date ]
Favorite Authors
Request Parameters:- UserId
- Name= [authors ]
- SortBy = date/name [default date ]
Favorite Topics
Request Parameters:- UserId
- Name= [topics ]
Favorite Collections
Request Parameters:- UserId
- Name= [collections ]
- SortBy = date/name [default date ]
Hand-e HomeScreen
POST https://assh.force.com/communityhub/services/apexrest/api/Video/HomeScreen?UserId[UserId]Header Authorization : [Access Token]
Request Parameters
- UserId
Hand-e Residents Reading List
POST https://assh.force.com/communityhub/services/apexrest/api/Residents/ReadingList
Header Authorization : [Access Token]
Video Taxonomies
GET https://assh.force.com/communityhub/services/apexrest/api/Video/Taxonomies
Header Authorization : [Access Token]
Hand-e WebView Pages
Sign Up
https://www.assh.org/hande/s/create-new-account -
https://www.assh.org/hande/s/about-app -
Terms of Use
https://www.assh.org/hande/s/user-agreement-app -
Resident Reading List